What’s been happening at CGCSoftware

We’re into September now and I thought I’d give a small update on what’s been happening behind the scenes at CGCSoftware towers.

The main thing that has happened is I’ve started a new contract working for Cambridge Assessment. Working in one of their teams on a large scale Angular application. It’s an interesting project working with NgRx and Angular Elements to create a more loosely coupled application allowing different developers work on individual sections of the application, but still access the APIs that run the application in a consistent way.

I’m finding working with Angular Elements really interesting, they have real scope to give so much more flexibility in how Angular applications can be set up. Not only are they great for gradually upgrading an AngularJS application to Angular. They allow teams to create individual parts of a large scale application in separate pieces which can be slotted together in the main application.

The second big thing that has happened is that my book, Getting Started With Angular 8, has been released.

Writing a book has been a massive project, it’s taken far longer than I thought it would, but I’ve learnt so much through writing the book.

Not only have I learnt more about Angular, but how to create content for the book. Originally you think that it’s just a simple case of writing out you thoughts on the topic of the book (in this case Angular) but there is so much more that you need to think about. How to structure the chapters, how to make sure the reader is left feeling that they have learnt something, how a section you felt made sense when you originally wrote it, didn’t make sense at all.

Having published the book through Leanpub I can make further updates to the book as newer versions of Angular come out or new features are added.

So August has been busy, I did manage to get a holiday in as well, which was great. Now we’re into September and got another busy month ahead. Looking to work some more with NgRx, while still getting up to speed with how things work at the new contract. Also looking at ways to be involved in some more open source projects in the coming months.