Business Benefits of TypeScript

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It adds optional static typing to JavaScript, classes, interfaces, and other advanced features.

TypeScript has a number of benefits for businesses, including:

  • Increased productivity: TypeScript can help developers to write code more quickly and efficiently. This is because the compiler can help to identify errors early, and the IDE can provide auto-completion and other features that can help developers to write code faster.
  • Reduced costs: TypeScript can help to reduce costs by making it easier to refactor code. Refactoring is the process of changing the structure of code without changing its behaviour. With TypeScript, developers can refactor code with confidence, knowing that the compiler will help to ensure that the changes do not break the application.
  • Improved quality: TypeScript can help to improve the quality of software by making it easier to write unit tests. Unit tests are automated tests that can help developers to identify defects early in the development process.
  • Increased maintainability: TypeScript can help to increase maintainability by making code more readable and understandable. This is because the compiler can help to identify errors, and the IDE can provide auto-completion and other features that can help developers to write code more clearly.
  • Improved security: TypeScript can help to improve security by making it easier to write type-safe code. Type-safe code is code that is less likely to contain vulnerabilities.

How to Get Started with TypeScript

If you are interested in getting started with TypeScript, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Learn the basics of TypeScript: There are a number of resources available online and in books that can teach you the basics of TypeScript.
  2. Choose a TypeScript IDE: There are a number of TypeScript IDEs available, such as Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ IDEA. These IDEs can help you to write and run TypeScript code.
  3. Find a TypeScript community: There are a number of TypeScript communities available online, such as the TypeScript subreddit and the TypeScript Discord server. These communities can help you to get help and support when you are using TypeScript.


TypeScript is a powerful tool that can help you to improve the quality, reduce costs, and increase the maintainability of your software development projects. If you are interested in getting started with TypeScript, there are a number of resources available to help you.

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Contractor Chronicles 2

This week, carried on with existing client work. Fixing bugs on a complex Angular application that has been worked on by a number of others developers over the years. So it’s always interesting to take something written by someone else, work out how it works and then fix issues without making more bugs. This is a whole topic on its own, which I might write about

Also spent time looking into TypeScript libraries with the aim to work on some open-source development as a way to improve my TypeScript. I’ve been looking at TypeScript-ESlint, the linting library for TypeScript, a great project run by Josh Goldberg Its aim is to add support for ESLint to your TypeScript code. It will check your code for issues and bad practices and warn you of these issues.

Another thing that happen was there was a new budget in the UK, nothing really helpful for small business owners like myself just more ways of taxing people and trying to encourage people who have retired back to work (if I had retired and was playing golf every day I don’t think I’d be keen to go back to work).

The plan for next week is, to continue exploring open-source TypeScript development, working on client work and preparing for the next tax year.

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Thinking in TypeScript

Throughout all my time with Angular and Vue, the one constant through both frameworks is TypeScript.

Generally, I always thought I knew TypeScript, but over the last couple of months, it’s clear that there is far more to TypeScript and what you can do with TypeScript than I knew.
After watching more and more videos on TypeScript I see that there is so much more I need and want to know about TS. So I’m starting to really study TS, to get to know it and make sure I’m using the advanced features of TS.

My plan for learning advanced TypeScript is:

  • Watch all the Matt Pocock Advanced TypeScript videos
  • Read through Programming TypeScript by Boris Cherry
  • Read Effective TypeScript by Dan Vanderkam
  • Read TypeScript 4 Design Patterns and Best Practices by Theo Despooudis

My aim is to learn the more advanced features of TS so when I have a new feature to add (using either Angular or Vue) or a bug to fix I start to think about the more advanced features of TypeScript e.g. Generics, Types, patterns etc, to how I approach this new feature or bug.