Thinking in Redux – a Review

I recently finished reading a great book all about Redux, which is the core pattern behind NgRx. The book is called Thinking In Redux by Nir Kaufman. In this book Nir goes through introducing the core concepts behind Redux, including Actions, Reducers and Middleware (which we call Effects in NgRx).
As Nir goes through the book not only does he explain really clearly what each of the core concepts are, but he goes through and breaks down each concept into subsections. For examples, Middlewares are divided in to different categories one for Core functionality, where the Middleware role is to handle a common piece of functionality that could be used over and over again within the Application, e.g handling an API request. Verses a middleware who’s role is to handle Routing Actions.
The book is divided into 8 main sections, the first section is about how to think using the Redux pattern. It’s a great introduction into Redux, it’s core concepts and how we can think about these concepts as we start planning the development of our apps.
The second section is all about Actions, what they are, how we should use them, how to program an application using this pattern and ways we can categories the different types of Actions we may have in a Redux application.
Then Nir moves on to patterns for routing Actions and transforming Actions, how we can use Middlewares/Effects and various approaches we can take when writing our middleware/Effects.
In the final sectionNir goes through some thoughts on a Redux project structure, naming conventions and some recommended reading. While in the NgRx world we have the naming convention set out for us, his ideas on project structure are interesting.
On the whole Thinking in Redux is a good book. It explains the main concepts and patterns behind Redux really well, it’s a short book so doesn’t take long to read. I would recommend it to anyone looking to understand Redux a bit better especially if you’ve just started using NgRx for your Angular application and you want to take your understanding of Redux a bit further.