Theory of Uniting Testing in Angular

I recently finished reading through an article on Unit Testing in Angular. The article was from the Infragistics website and in 3 parts it tried to demystify Unit Tests in Angular:

In this article, the author, Jared Fineman, really goes into how to setup your tests, how to structure tests and some of the great new features of Angular, that help with testing. One great point Jared makes is *In the world of development, unit tests have long been viewed as second-class citizens. * This is very true, it is something I have been guilty of too, forgetting that Unit Tests are an extremely important part of the development process. As part of my drive this year to improve the quality of my work, I’m focusing on both Unit Testing and readability, so I need to make writing test a core part of my development process.

In the first part of the article, Jared shows how to set up tests for your project. Though at the time of writing this version 6 of Angular was not released yet. So there is a section about updating the .angular-cli.json file, which has now been replaced by the angular.json file. Then in the other two parts of the article, Jared goes through structuring unit tests and some of the great features that Angular has that allow you to really explore the inner workings of your components. So you can write tests that examine all parts of the component.

The one that struck me in the second part of this article was the approach he mentions for structuring your unit tests. He mentions this AAA approach, which stands for Arrange, Act and Assert. The idea is that you first setup everything needed to run the component that is going to be tested, you basically arrange all the parts needed for the component. This could be modules that need to initialised, other parent components or mock data.
Next is the Act section, this is where you call the method or the component to be tested and from that call, the result can be examined. Finally, there is the Assert phase, where our assertions or expectations are tested.

This AAA methodology is great for learning how to set up tests, it is definitely something that isn’t documented enough in the official Angular docs. If a developer is new to Angular and they want to start writing tests for their app, the Angular docs do give a detailed overview of how to write a test for different scenarios. The new Angular docs really give a lot of examples, how to test components, how to test the DOM, how to test services and providers, but the theory of unit testing is not discussed enough in the documentation (but the Angular docs is open source, so maybe that can be changed).

There is, of course, articles about AAA outside of Angular, here are a few I found, though they are C# based the theory still applies:

There are a lot of articles about the Theory of Unit Testing, just not all Angular specific. It is worth searching around for them. This article from Jared Fineman is a great start.